Skaag, Rogue wishing to rejoin The Purge
Hello old and new members of Purge.

Character: Skaag 60 undead rogue, Grong 60 orc hunter.

Interest/Work: Work retail so my work schedule is usually different week to week. Aside from comp. gaming and work I play soccer for local mens team and try and get out to the fields when I can. Actually picked it back up more after not playing for several years.

MMO Past Exp and Why I wish to join:

EQ was my first mmo and really got into it when VZ was first formed. I played there for many years as both enemy and ally to alot of the members of this guild and share both wonderful pvp and pve memories with them. Being apart of a group and overcoming what ever stood in our way, be it other players or a goal we set for ourselves, was what sucked me into mmos.

After EQ I spent most of my time looking for another mmo to suit me. Tried Shadowbane and DAOC but never really got into them because of either my computer limitations or buggy system. Then took a break from rpgs and mixed my love for fps and mmos together. Planetside was a blast and joined with a large outfit there to experience the coordination and large scale warfare the game allowed players take part in. Later changes in the game dropped interest in the game greatly for both me and the outfit.

The outfit picked WoW as its next game to try and joined Bleeding Hallow. Only a very small group had rpg experience and the idea was to operate just like we did in Planetside. Being a disciplined organized army does not mesh well with mmorpgs imo. Alot of infighting drove many players out and return to other random games. A few of us joined Vae Victus and played through some of MC before the server transfer was offered. I wished to move for a few reasons, one of which was The Purge was moving to CR, but VV voted to stay. Both my RL buddies Jakensama and Kagomechan were finishing up leveling their characters but would not be able to get into VV most likely. So I left VV and moved to CR and joined The Purge here. It was great to be with friends from past games and guilded with my RL friends at the same time. But almost all the guilds I had ever been apart of where for people focused hardcore on end game content and firm raid polices. The Purge was facing a debate in guild about the two styles and lead to some heated emotions among a few players. For my part in that I apologize and was never my intention and if anyone wishes to talk to me about it feel free to ask. After getting attacked by 1 certain member personally (who was removed soon after I left) I felt it was best to leave the Purge before ruining the good relationships and memories I had built over the years. Jake was also on a long break from WoW around this time and wasnt sure if would even return like he used too. So I went back to what I knew and that was to join a power gamer raid guild.

TR/Obli, later ER, was back to what I was more accustomed too as far as guild drive. But what was missing was the close family feel I had enjoyed when back in guilds like Xanit and Defiant when raided much the same. A few players later joined ER that formed a small family feel. Changes in my personal life though and just view on gaming in general has slowly matured with age though. The drive to keep up at a hardcore pace was falling and a couple my personal interest and work became more important to me. I took a break for almost 2 months and during that time moved in with Jakensama who was returning to WoW more himself at this time.

Started playing again myself and picked back up raiding with my guild. But the demands of being in a guild like that was not why I wish to return to mmos. After a few weeks back I was torn between wanting to leave and wanting to help the guild get past one last major road block we faced. We finally did drop Nef. and had the rest of the bosses down solid. Part of my closes friends in ER left the guild at this time also for different reasons so made my choice final. I was ready to leave the guild and find what I was missing that still made me want to play mmos after all these years but at a pace to fit me now.

Living with Jake has allowed me to see what its like to be a real member of The Purge from a unique point of view. That is what I still enjoyed in mmos. Being among friends and just enjoying exploring and working together. The real memories I still care about all these years of online gaming are not of the grind it took to do end game content and aim to be "the best", but of sharing moments of having fun with friend at what we enjoyed doing. And that is why I wish to rejoin The Purge. I feel I am ready to be apart of a guild like this now and would like the chance to be apart of the family of friends. From what I know of old members, my brief time in The Purge, and the insight from Jakensamas membership I feel this is the last place I could find that again.

I know some will question my intentions and sincerity at joining the Purge. Which is justifiable based apon my past actions and play style. But please atleast take the time to hear me out and think it over. People change and mature over time. The choice to reapp to Purge was not based off a rash decision or that I felt anyone owed me anything. I just want to be back with my in game and real life friends having fun playing a game together when we are lucky enough to have time too. If you have read my long "summary" thank you for that much. Anyone wanting to ask me questions or something to do drop me a tell. Im either on Skaag or Grong so look me up.
That probably wasn't the easiest thing to write. I know I'm glad you stopped by to post that and explain how you view things.

Thanks Skaag.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Well done. How are ya matey? =)
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hey Hoof and Rallick

Been good, though work has been annoying lately. They have me working half the week overnights and rest day shifts so my sleep schedule is all fubar. Damn j. o. bs. Gave me time to think over my choice to reapp while throwing freight atleast. Smile

How about you Hoof? Still leading the charge with your Mooooooo battle cry?
Awesome. You've got my vote~
- R
I play like 3 hours a week now maybe. Been RLifing it. I'm still a forum whore though so it feels like I'm still in the loop. :lol:
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
good post.
Eh? Hoser?
Skaag Wrote:I took a break for almost 2 months and during that time moved in with Jakensama who was returning to WoW more himself at this time.
Ahh young love. I can see wedding bells in your future. GRATS!! BROKEBACK WEDDING!


Good post Skaag. See ya in game. Smile
Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
Nice post.
WAR = Zeel, Zeelio, Sheldon
WoW = Zeelio
EQ = Sheldon
RL = Sean
Sup peck!
Gunldesnapper Krewe GW2
AT1 (AW) Fritsch <retired> USN
The half man!
I say put a tray on his head and let him serve drinks at outings!!!


Hey Skaag.

All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
Skaag, it is great to see this post. I am really looking forward to seeing you back in game (that is of course if I can ever actually pull myself away from fixing this house o mine).
Gameless (for now)

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