Hey there, Hi there, Ho there. Dunno what to put in here, but basically I would like to app plza?

I know quite a few of you guys, we always have good times together (atleast I am on my end...) But yea, would like to app...lemme know if i need to do anything "Special" that i already dont know about in here. An no CK, i dont do crim that is out of the question.
Hey Ifdorn!

Hope all is well!
Heya If!

Burnt to a crisp.
IFDORN!!!! <3
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
For those that might not know who the heck you are...posting that might help. Ifdorn is who? Class? Race?

I know the name...but I honestly don't know/remember beyond that.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
I'll help.

Ifdorn = shammy from <P v P>. He was/is one of our "Basin runners", part of that crew that comprised our "crack High Warlord" squad (zomg!). Great in pvp, always willing to help, and known to play Blazing Saddles in Ventrilo to keep us all in high spirits.

But enough of my praises. Let him toot his own horn!

Oh btw, he aint Canadian! :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
Singularity Wrote:Oh btw, he aint Canadian! :wink:

ZOMG, he's the choosen one! Prophecized to bring balance back to the force!


Prophecized?? Is that even Engrish?
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Only when its spelled right. Prophesized.

But who'd expect an American to be edumacated.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Rallick Wrote:Only when its spelled right. Prophesized.

But who'd expect an American to be edumacated.

I can't understand you, you're speaking in Canada.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Its not that I'm speaking in Canada that is the problem. Its that you are listening in US.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Canadian Ariba FTL
There is a template application stickied at the top of this thread for l33t application infoz.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Ifdorn.. and Blazing Saddles.. always wondered where that saying came from.. but now I think I know..

Isn't that what happens after a couple of american cowbows eat some Hot spicy food.. then get lonely and Go Brokeback on eachother.. then go riding the next day...

CK please clarify this for me ;>

As for Ifdorn .. great guy (for a non-Canadian),

He did have a splurge on fruity drinks though in the Carribean.. but I think the councilling helped when he got back and now he's realized the goodness of Beer..

Good to see you If.. grab a blow horn and drop it on the page!
Trotts <-- Damn goldfish got stuck on my head.
Yar...yea, that was a drunk post after last call...Well, now that you have already seen my "Introduction" and CK gave you a little back ground on me...I guess I can fill in the gaps.

My char is a 60 shaman who has achieved rank 13. 4,390hp/6,153mp
I have MC experience up to domo, and have killed onyxia on a regular basis. This toon is flagged for MC, BWL, Onyxia.

I am a fun loving guy who enjoys a good laugh and good company. I feel the purge has exactly what I am looking for...since I have already run with quite a few of you.

Btw, thanks hoof for pointing out the sticky...ugh. heh Big Grin
An thanks CK for helpin me out. :oops:
I got your back matey!
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Fun loving?

Rallick Wrote:Only when its spelled right. Prophesized.
Indeed. Prophesised.

You fuckers.
- R
[edit] Because it's just not worth the comment[/edit]

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