Poll: Should we let this steaming pile of poo in our guild? Bear in mind, he's a stinker.
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NO! Flush him with a soiled wad o' TP!
3 37.50%
Sure, i can deal with a little poo. We all make it at home.
5 62.50%
Total 8 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Looking to Join
Hello Purgies, I'd like to get in your guild on the Onyxia side. I'm a lowbie right now at 13 but I am concentrating on this character and am leveling daily. I also have a few toons on Crushridge (Blackudder-59-sham) that would like to join your ranks but will await you approval here of course. I'm a RL friend of Seth Minyard *Sethdruid-Onixia* *Shmobiggles-Crushridge*. Mentioning his name on the boards makes me feel i should introduce my RL self. My name in Moses Teague, I'm 31 and live in Kodiak, AK. I'm mature but not serious, easy-going, devastatingly handsome, and a super-genius. Hope you will have me and look forward to finding y'all on the game to introduce myself.
I can't bear to leave floaters! FLUSHED!

Nice app. cept the knowing Shmo irl part =) We'll let you in if you can get Shmo to another caricature. He's been slack lately.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
title: From Crush to Onyx in one simple step

[Image: transformpz5.jpg]
Poo FTW. Nice app Smile
WAR = Zeel, Zeelio, Sheldon
WoW = Zeelio
EQ = Sheldon
RL = Sean
btw, thought i'd mention the ROSTER link on the post above is defunct Confusedhock: , that or my comp is. I'll ask my Shmo or Sunflower if aybodies on when i am.
Decrepancy......I thought I smelled something!

Get your ass in the guild! Or back into the guild....
Lol great app, (great pic shmob) how ya doing decrep?
Gameless (for now)
OMG I thought we said flushed!!!
All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
Schmo art.

My name is Waeloga and I approve of this message.
"Well if there is a god its nice to see the purge will have a solid representation in hell, which is good - we wont have to pug it." ~Jakensama

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