App - Rain (WAR)

I have known Karne for 7 years or so and have played MMOPRGs for several years bouncing from various different games but usually sticking with WoW or EvEonline. I am looking to join up and follow around with a group of peeps that focuses on PvP and teamwork to kick arse on our enemies.

I just pre-ordered WAR, and have watched Karne a few times play. I am looking forward to release. Looking forward to hearing the choice of sides and server.

Any questions please pm me.


70 Pally Shockladin on Dragonmaw (bye bye WoW)
Yeah I can vouch for this goober. He lives near me and is a good player.
Karne Wrote:Yeah I can vouch for this goober. He lives near me and is a good player.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think we are asking vouchers to start threads in the IA forum for people they are vouching for, for record keeping and other purposes. So don't leave your friends out in the cold son!
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
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[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hoofhurr Wrote:
Karne Wrote:Yeah I can vouch for this goober. He lives near me and is a good player.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think we are asking vouchers to start threads in the IA forum for people they are vouching for, for record keeping and other purposes. So don't leave your friends out in the cold son!

Yeah... it would be a BIG help if anyone that is vouching for someone please go and make a quick post in the IA section. That way... I or one of the other admins can check it out and add them to the members group. If it is someone that we have never had contact with in the past... then we'll just add them right away. If this is an old ally, enemy, or whatever... we usually leave it up for a couple days to allow any opbjections to come forward.

Excited to get in game. I know this isn't the place for discussion of which side in WAR.... But any hint on which way The Purge is leaning?

*drools while waiting for box to arrive*


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