Tork's War App
Hey folks, hope everyone's enjoying open beta, I'm definetly looking forward to the game. As a side not, I'm McGriff's brother, Steven, in game I'll be under the name Tork and will more likely than not be rolling a Shaman.
I played EQ with McGriff on the Bertoxx server, had a Paladin that ended up retired at around 64, he was never level maxed, or a major raider (just open Naggy/Vox/Hate/Fear and then the later planes) but my EQ2 character, Calamitous was a Dirge that was always at the top of the expansions, fully fabled, mastered etc. I played in Paragon at first on the Everfrost server, then moved to Najena to raid Austraillian raid times with Memento Mori and later Ancient Vengeance. I stoped raiding my dirge right after RoK launched, school was busy busy busy so I didnt have time to play.
I now play an Assassin on the Venekor server, mostly use him for crafting but don't really play all that often.

I'd like to be able to roll with a solid group of like minded PVP'ers once War launches, and would be especially pleased to be guilded with my bro again. Any questions, send them to Tork in game. Thanks!

Solid player, please shoot him an invite in WAHH!
Beefboss, Warrior of the Horde
Milkmade, "MILK" Hunter of the Horde with milky boobs....=)
McGRIFF, Witch Hunter ....Waaaagh
BtW im playing a Shaman in game, look for Tork.

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