Warhammer Application
I have played many MMORPGs
EvE Online
Maple Story

I am playing a Bright Wizard, (currently 10). I would like to join The Purge.

Maple story? how old are you?
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Too freaking old...I was a writer for a local gaming magazine. Any MMORPG that came out - I played it for about 2 to 3 weeks so I could review it.

Not that I played anything for my spare time.

That's all.
How did you hear about us Lathen?

Burnt to a crisp.
So many The Purge running around I thought it would be good to be part of the purge.


Thank you for your app. Unfortunately, it's a bit lacking at the moment. We are a gaming community of people who have been playing together for close to ten years now, starting with Everquest on the Vallon Zek server. We waltzed through a number of games together since then - Shadowbane, Warcraft, Planetside, SWG, AoC, and a few others - and we've added to our community each time. We did it by getting to know the persons' applying very well, especially if no one knows them from any other games or encounters.

So, the two things you can do? Tell us about yourself - give us the meat and potatoes. How old are you? Interests outside of gaming? Have a job or not? Wife? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Chinchillas? You don't have to answer these questions specifically, of course, but they give you a general idea of what to offer. The reason is because we pride ourselves on being asshat-free. The first step in this process is getting to know someone. We are a guild full of active mature players that have all went through our share of hardcore raiders, exploiters, and l33t guildZorZ. The Purge was formed by Slamz and a small contingent of folks for people who loved to pvp, yet hated the typical hardcore guild mindset. As a result, we've attracted many like-minded folks from all backgrounds and ages, and we rarely lose community members. So if you are a mature, capable player that loves to pvp and hang out with other nice guys and gals, that's the first step - work on your app.

The second step is grouping with us. Seek out some Purge, ask to be a part of whatever current shenanigans are taking place, and someone will shoot you a group invite. Maybe you can get on Vent, see what we are like. This gives many folks the opportunity to get to know you as something other than an individual who just posted an app. Try to do this as often (and as nicely!) as possible.

Also, keep in mind it may take a while. Remember we don't know you all that well, so after many folks have hung out with you, someone will throw your app up on the "Internal Affairs" section of our website, after which guild members have an opportunity to either support or criticize you. In 24 to 48 hours, you will be contacted if the results are positive. If not, send your friends in the Purge a /tell to check the status of your app. Our officers are generally VERY busy (The Purge is a gaming community, after all, and a rather large one), so it isn't uncommon for them to be pulled nine ways from Sunday just dealing with guild issues. And since they like to game, too...you get the idea. Just be ready to do all the legwork here.

Good luck with your app, and look forward to gaming with you. :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
And in summation, find us in game, group with us, regale us with entertaining tales of life and love, woo us with your pvp prowess, and then bribe someone into vouching for you. :wink:
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
A few kegs of quality beer sent up to Canada to a few select individuals

Or if you can prove to CK that you wax your chest hair on U-tube usually goes a long way to getting an app accepted.
Trotts <-- Damn goldfish got stuck on my head.

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