Warhammer App
I finally decided to start a game relatively early.

Aolian 5 dwarf engineer (I know, me playing a peck is just wrong!)
Aolias bright wizard (Probably my main, as for once I want to nuke the crap out of stuff. Like Orsun's face!)
Hey Ao! Great to see your app.

He gets my vote - even if it means damage to my glorious face.
Barb Shaman EQ
Midgard Skald DAoC
Shawonda, Tauren Druid, WOW
Oh and are there any good ways to level other than RvR? So far it seems the fastest and most fun. Yipee for repeatable RvR Quests!
Aolian Wrote:Oh and are there any good ways to level other than RvR? So far it seems the fastest and most fun. Yipee for repeatable RvR Quests!

Yes. Doing RvR's solo. Smile
Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
Oh and my old username AolianVZ I couldn't retrieve the password on so lost any access I had.

For those looking for gaming lineage

Minileed's big brother (even if he is 5inches taller)

EQ - Vallon Zek (Where there other servers?)
-Tiernan (Mercenaries of Darkness)
-Aolian (Elven Order, part of HECK)
-Kaizzar (Elven Order - infiltrator of inkie guilds...I miss Mask of Deception)

-Aolian (warlock of some sort)

DAoC - Percival
-Aolian (Kindred and according to my email current guildleader Tongue )
-(I forget the rest... probably Ao something knowing my originality)

WoW - Crushridge (BBB, Purge, Pirates of Booty Bay, Resurrected)
-Aolian, Aolias, Aodies (hey I'm honest), Aoln.... (Think I still have an alt in BBB)

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