Hey, this is Isnyss from WoW. I am a lvl 31 troll hunter. My professions are Leatherworking/Skinning. I am on the server Crushridge. I am just letting you know that i am interested in joining your guild. If you could whisper on WoW that would be great.

It is great that you are interested in joining the Purge. We are always looking for friendly people.

That being said, you should realize that none of us know you or have gamed with you before. Therefore, your application will undoubtedly take longer than most. What should you do as an applicant? Simple.

1. Get to know us. This doesn't mean sending tells asking for help. It means everything from an occasional chat to grouping up with us. Instances, pvping, questing, or whatever suits your fancy can qualify here. The effort should be made by you and you alone. You are applying to the Purge, show us you mean business and really want to join.

2. BE FRIENDLY! People with caustic or vinegar personalities are not tolerated in the Purge. We are a group of friends that have been gaming together for years, and we have new members who are just as friendly as the rest of us. So if you are prone to frequent bad moods or your behavior is childish, this isn't the guild for you. Also, complaining is a sure-fire way to make sure your application hits the trash heap. Avoid it at all costs.

3. "Ask not what your guild can do for you...". Asking for the guild to get you phat lewt, or to help you with so-and-so quest, mob, or instance isn't the way to go here. The guild doesn't serve one member or a small group of them. No, this guild is a collective of individuals where giving > recieving.

And most importantly...

4. PVP! This is a heavy pvp-oriented guild. If you /wave to Alliance in order to quest around them peacefully, the Purge isn't for you. If you have a real-life buddy who plays Alliance on this server and you like to hang out with him on occasion, the Purge isn't for you. Basically, if you aren't up for a lot of pvp, then the Purge isn't for you. You will be a target because of your guildtag. You will get corpse camped, slaughtered repeatedly, and ganked to no end while wearing it. Grow a thick skin if you don't like such things, because they will most certainly happen to you while in <The Purge>.

Hope this helped.
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]

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