Application - Jumble
I'd like to join your guild. I play a level 33 Archmage named Jumble.

I was part of the Riven guild and grouped with you guys once as part of the alliance. Riven has been a bit inactive with rarely more than one or two people on.

I've read the intro posts. Very much like the clean language environment and casual gaming focus.

I'm 32 and married with 3 kids. I run a site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and run a software company for a living. I've got a bio with links to some of my projects up at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Thank you for your consideration.

-=Jumble the Enchanter=-
Hey there thanks for the app =)

Bit of an unusual situation with you being an alliance member and I think we would want to make sure that your app doesn't cause tension with our ally because Riven are good people. The other thing to be aware of is that we've been gaming across many games for nearly a decade and recruit on a voucher system. That just means someone in The Purge likes you enough to say so and follow through with your application. Make a solid effort to interact with us as much as you can in game so we can get to know you. Cheers.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Quote:I've read the intro posts. Very much like the clean language environment and casual gaming focus.

I think we're a pretty mature bunch, for the most part, but we have our share of ex-military, etc, that have been known to cuss like, well, sailors. We try to keep vent and our forums PG-13 out of consideration for family and such, but saints we aint. :wink:

Anyway, been in a few scenarios with Jumble. Healers are always good to have.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...

I have a lot of respect for Eowin but haven't seen her active in a while. What's the situation in RIVEN atm? We have a policy of not recruiting from guilds, especially alliance guilds and just want a little clarification before we consider your app. You can PM it to me if it's of a private nature.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
I like Eowin as well and I'm still on good terms with everyone in Riven. She hasn't been on much at least while I'm on. I've not played with a guild group in several weeks. Maybe it's just my hours are different and I havn't caught anyone.

Some of the more active players in Riven have re-rolled on a destro server and a PvP order server, but I've got no desire to re-roll.


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