Application - Elric
Yes, I read the whole "post you said applicants should read". :wink:

As mentioned in the post by Dragonzfire, I am one of the group of people looking to join The Purge. As for info on me specifically...

Warhammer Online
Main Character: Elricaeus (Lvl 40 SM - 1h/shield)
Alt: Elricir (lvl 7 Runepriest that I rolled yesterday) Tongue

Other recent MMO's that I have played...

World of Warcraft
Lvl 70 Hunter and several alts in 30's to 50's range (formerly Guild Leader of a guild on Malfurion)

Age of Conan (sad, I know)
Asmodean (lvl 80 HoX)

Dark Age of Camelot
Lvl 50's of Vampiir (Elriciir), Valewalker (Elricaen), Ranger (Elricaedo), several alts in their 30's - 40's, and buffbot account.

EVE Online, Everquest (I & II), Guildwars, Stargate Worlds (yawn), Anarchy Online, 9Dragons, City of Villains / Heroes, Asheron's Call, Diablo (I, II, III), Eudemons, Lineage (I & II), LOTR Online, Planetside, Rakion, Tabula Rasa, Ultima Online, Vanguard, and more that I can't remember offhand...

I am 24, living in Central Time (USA)... I usually play a few hours every night, with more time on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I am big into PvP, but I like to do some PvE every now and again to keep some variety. I use Ventrilo daily, and I have TS installed if I absolutely have to use it.

For more info, please feel free to contact me in-game. See you around!
No Shadowbane?! Egads!
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
Sorry, must have missed that one. Wink
how many pieces of annihilator/bloodlords do you got? Nothing to do with you actually getting in, i might need a tank for sigmars crypts this week, wondering if i can ninja you for that.
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
apparently he is from Ordinance. i understand they are having some problems and do not mind picking up some of their liked minded people into Purge.

I would roll him for his cloak, because i don't know where to get it, but the rest of his gear is middle of the road. you won't be taking him to a Crypt or Lost Vale anytime soon.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... server=214</a><!-- m -->
you already missed your chance to get it bone, i even wear that cloak. its from the live event.
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
Gnar, you know i don't pay attention to that stuff. all i do is beat on stuff, and make sure it beats on me.

but he has to get 10 more renown levels before he could wear full annihilator (even if he got all the drops in a row during keep takes) or i don't know how long in Bastion Stair for Bloodlord. i have full influence there and ran the hard side, only got the side drops (shield, sword, jewelry) never any of the set gear.

all i have to do is one more lvl.
Ya, we tried the last boss in there yesterday that drops someblood lord, we coulda got him but we got the bugged boss :cry:

well chop chop bone!
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
Yeah, unfortunately we from Ordinance came from the Saphery server, which is immensely famous for being the lowest population server across Warhammer Online. I think I had 2 scenario pops at T1, and then nothing until we moved servers.

That being said, I made the push to hit 40, so now all I do is RvR... It will probably take me a week or so to get up to wearing Annhilator gear (all I currently have is the boots). I have horrible roll luck for keep raids, so I have yet to see a decent gold bag drop. But, that's life. Tongue See you guys around the server...
great to have you. hopefully you found a new home that lasts beyond Warhammer and in to the future.

as to your question about my epic weapon. you can see one equiped now. it procs a 80 STR debuff. not what i want to carry if i want to be a caster killer.

haven't seen many casters worried about STR

going after Redwing next, then see on spec and talisman slots

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