Application - Fretty
Hello everyone,

First note:
I have read all three threads regarding the application process, the basic guild guidelines and player conduct. Figured I'd throw that out there. Smile

And now for the sales pitch:

Game (current) : Warhammer Online

My name is Fretty, currently a member of the Ordinance guild originally from the Saphery server. In recent days and weeks Ordinance has taken a beating from inactive players as well as a lack of organization and leadership. I have spoken to Blhurr, a recruiter for your guild, and obtained quite a handful of information from him which has shown me that The Purge is the guild for me.

I am a casual player, with play times ranging anywhere from 10 - 40 hours a week, depending on work and my significant other. I take things seriously, but not so seriously that it takes away the fun. I like organization along with a good, fun attitude towards gaming (it is a game after all).

I would love for the chance to be involved in a guild that organizes events such as scenario groups, rvr raids, pve runs etc. equally.

Now, on to what I offer:

Shadow Warrior
Rank 33 / RR 27
Path of the Scout
Currently specialized completely in ranged DPS (I equip only items that add ballistics skill, and will even choose lesser items if the ballistic modifier is greater then that of the "upgrade").

I love both PvP/RvR (all types) -and- PvE (nothing like a good boss raid!).

I use Ventrillo to listen for now, still waiting to get a good headset for myself.

I do not currently play any alts on the Ungrim server.

A lot of my fellow Ordinance friends have recently joined the ranks of The Purge, and I'm sure they can vouch for me (dooo iiiit *shakes fist at former Ordinance members*). I have also offered to be Blhurr's personal dancer, which I'm sure is more of a punishment then anything else, but hey, I'm trying here. Tongue

I look forward to your response.

And please, anyone interested in grouping, send me a tell in game, I'd love to give you all the chance to get to know me!

Thanks again.

Seems as though I skipped something that most other applicants have done, and I also should have done...

MMO's I've Played:
Eve Online
Anarchy Online
Guild Wars (hate calling this an MMO)
Earth & Beyond
Dungeons & Dragons Online
Planet Side
The Matrix Online
And more I can't think of right now...

Being a former guildmate with Fretty in Ordinance, I highly recommend him to be considered for The Purge and he would be a good asset to the guild.

I absolutely agree. Fretty is first in line to help, or fill any gap he possibly can. He plays with integrity and I've never heard a word uttered against him. He definitely has my recommendation as well.

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