puffyamiyumi 60 warrior
About me -- i am 20 , part time student . have quite a few rl friends who play wow,
About my character -- i am a 300 swordsmith have all my swordsmith patterns ---- 300 enchanter i pocess the rare patterns 9 int 2 hand -- 5 dmg 1 hand -- 5 resists cloak !! i am arms 31 ( mortal strike is the win for pvp !) 11 fury ( for piercing howl) aoe daze 9 protection (extra armor)
-- i am ayumii from bleeding hollow .. some dork had my name --
i have grouped with a few purge through various raids etc .. and done various enchants - smithin combines --
what i expect from a guild -- a enviroment of mostly mature players -- not constant name calling slandering -- a guild that groups together -- occassionally raids and ganks in groups !!
Anything else you would like to know please contact me in game -- puffyamiyumi -- we can group up if u need a warrior !! -- or even need halp with a quest
This man thinks the Arcanite Reaper is crap. I don't like him. Tongue

We recruit by invite only so keep grouping with us and if we like you and you fit in well you'll probably get an invite. Make sure to read the stickies in the General forums here for more information on how we play the game. Basically there is Zero pressure to PvE. We do it and enjoy it but it's not what drives all of us. We have a very strong upper level group and great alliances so finding a group for whatever you may want todo isn't hard with alittle effort. Like I said, continue to group with as many Purge as you can and you'll probably get an invite if we like you. Smile

Warriors Suck!
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
You guys I have grouped with Ayumii a lot from BH and seems pretty cool to me. I admit Puffyamiyumi is kinda a well you know kinda name, but on the other hand hes allright. If you feel he should group more, then lets invite him to raid sometime soon, so you can check him out.
Kagomechan talking about someones name?

I dueled him yesterday. Nice guy.

Keep seeking us out for raids and grouping so we can get to know you better. It may take a little while, but it'll give us all a chance to get to know one another.

Good luck!
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
Flab Wrote:Kagomechan talking about someones name?


I know, FEF Shemales shouldn't talk trash..
You either Jaken Tongue

People with Japanese knock-off names = GOOD
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.

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