I was just a first responder
Sitting on the coach with the wife watching Breaking Bad when "BAM!". Ran outside to see a pickup truck on it's cab in the middle of the intersection. BMW was across the road in the ditch. Told the wife to dial 911 while I went to see if anyone was hurt. Ended up to only be the two drivers involved. Guy in the pickup must have ran the stop sign and pulled out infront of the guy in the BMW. The guy in the BMW was shaken up and the guy in the pickup had a compound fracture to his right shin and a broken nose from his airbag. Glass, car parts and fluids everywhere. Glad everyone is alive.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Hmmm. Disappointing. I was expecting to read that you had to shoot someone.

Just kidding bro. Nice work. Feels good to help people and I always say to myself that I hope no one is badly injured when I see a car accident.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hoofhurr Wrote:Hmmm. Disappointing. I was expecting to read that you had to shoot someone.

Just kidding bro. Nice work. Feels good to help people and I always say to myself that I hope no one is badly injured when I see a car accident.

The only hesitation I had was to stop and smell the fluid that was gushing out of the pickup and had already made a 4ft wide stream across the road. I identified it as coolant so I proceeded. I was a liitle reluctant to look into the truck cab because you never know what you're going to see. And I admit when I first heard the bang my first instinct was to get a firearm but within a couple seconds my brain registered that is was a traffic accident.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Good on ya. Glad everybody lived.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...

as long as you didn't go back in the house, throw paint all over a room and then cry like a baby; it's all good.
bonestomper Wrote:as long as you didn't go back in the house, throw paint all over a room and then cry like a baby; it's all good.

Yeah, good point. Did you have a break down afterwards?
"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
there are 1 or 2 accidents per year at the intersection I live at the corner of, but never any that resulted in a rollover that I can recall.

I've gotten used to the procedure by now: pick up the cordless phone, dial the police as I go outside (I use their direct number, rather than dialing 911), report the location and whether or not there appear to be injuries (there never have been, so far). I always forget to bring a notepad and a pencil with me, however. sometimes things happen that you need to take note of (like one of the involved parties leaves the scene).

I occasionally hear what sounds like a gunshot (there are a lot of woods in my area, so I assume that some homeowner is dispatching groundhogs or something with a rifle or shotgun) and the sound of a car accident is distinctly different. the sound of a vehicle impact dies very quickly and doesn't "ring" the way a gunshot does. but I agree, the first instinct in both cases is always "gunshot".

New World: Snowreap
Life is Feudal: Snowreap Iggles, Taralin Iggles, Preyz Iggles
Naval Action: Taralin Snow, Snowy Iggles
EQ2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Taralin, Disruption, Preyz, Taralynne, Snowy, Snowz
ESO: Snowreap, Yellowtail
PS2: Snowreap
GW2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Taralynne
RIFT: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Snowy
PotBS (British): Taralin Snow, Taralynne Snow, Snowy Iggles, Edward Snow
PotBS (Pirate): Taralin Snowden, Taralynne Snowden, Redshirt Snowden
WW2O: Snowreap
WAR: Snowreap, Preyz, Lbz, Leadz, Snowz, Taralin, Snowmeltz, Yellowtail, Snowbankz
APB: Snowreap, Sentenza
STO: Snowreap@Snowreap, Snowz@Snowreap
AoC: Yellowtail, Snowreap, Snowstorm, Redshirt
WoW (Horde): Snowreap, Savagery, Baelzenun, Wickedwendy, Taralin, Disruption, Scrouge, Bette
WoW (Alliance): Yellowtail, Wickedwendy, Snowreap
AC1: Snowstorm, Yellowtail, Shirt Ninja, Redshirt
Dustie Wrote:
bonestomper Wrote:as long as you didn't go back in the house, throw paint all over a room and then cry like a baby; it's all good.

Yeah, good point. Did you have a break down afterwards?

I've only ever broken down three times in my life. I have three children.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Ahhh good one. :lol: I'll play along. I've only had 3 breakdowns. I've had 3 serious girlfriends.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Yeah, but Hoof, you still haven't come out of the closet... so it's ok.
WAR_White Lion_Iron Rock
Bnobo_Dark Ages_Monk/Rogue
And I never will!
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hoofhurr Wrote:Ahhh good one. :lol: I'll play along. I've only had 3 breakdowns. I've had 3 serious girlfriends.

I've only had 1 serious breakdown, and 1 prophylactic malfunction followed by a false positive over the counter testing kit.
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
She fell...
I'm assuming all of you men are talking about your adult lives.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...


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