57 Preist looking for guild

My name is Onictora 57 Shadow priest(33shad/14disc ATM). Xenni told me to post here if I was interested in joing The Purge. I've out grown my current guild and when I thought about who I would like to be guilded with, you guys are one of the first that came to mind. Every Purge member I've grouped/killed alliance with has been very friendly and good gamers in general. I'm looking for a guild with similar taste in game play to me.

I play for two reasons, instancing and PvP. I'm resonably well equipt and managed to make Sgt getting "sidetracked" while questing and chasing alliance all over the map beating the crap out of them. I like instancing because better gear means I can put out a better beat down. :twisted:

P.S. I'm a pre-transfer Crushridge player, that raid on darkshire when The Purge first jumped over cracked me up.

Hope to see you guys in game.
ill be sure to keep a eye out for your and get you in some groups I setup. good luck on the app
Skaag (WoW), Undead Rogue

Iceheart (EQ) XK -retired-
Skaag (EQ) Defiant -retired-
priests are yum

join our applicants channel ; )

just hit one of us up in game and we can get you added to the channel. then we'll be able to group with ya easily and then who knows. :lol:
Woot priests! :lol: See ya in game.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Onictora! Yay!

I've grouped quite a bit with him/her and she's the real deal.

Priest, which of course every guild lacks. But a very good player, who often is putting an instance group together, of which I've benefited on more than one occasion.

Hope to see you tagged soon O!


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