I wish they'd had cool stuff like this when I was a kid...

(I started enthusiastically describing this to my wife...after a minute or so she interrupted with "I stopped listening at 'Star Wars'"...)

No lightsabers yet, but this new toy allows you to use the Force, Luke

June 30, 2009
OK, admit it. Ever since you first saw Star Wars, you've practiced moving stuff with your mind, right?

Well, the New York Post says there's a new toy that will let you do that very thing.

Here's how the newspaper describes the new Star Wars-branded "Force Trainer."
A new toy that harnesses the same technology doctors use to monitor brain waves will arrive in stores in August. The toy moves when it senses a change in the user's brain-wave patterns.
"It's pretty cutting-edge," says, Frank Adler, executive vice president of Uncle Milton, the toy company that manufactures the Star Wars-branded Force Trainer. "It certainly appears to be where things are headed." ...

Scientists call the technology BCI, or Brain Computer Interface, and more sensitive, medical-grade versions are used to help amputees move artificial limbs and victims of paralysis communicate using a computer and software that reacts thought.

Acquiring the powers of the Force won't be cheap: The Force Trainer is expected to sell for about $120. Here's a video of the toy in action.

Now if they could only come up with a device that lets you control the weak-minded ...

— SCI FI Wire Staff 
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
You should totally get one of these so I can play with it at lunch.
"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
Grieve Wrote:(I started enthusiastically describing this to my wife...after a minute or so she interrupted with "I stopped listening at 'Star Wars'"...)

Wives are so classic.

Vanna often tells me.

"I love you enough to pretend to listen. Just don't bore me to long."

And yet for some reason they get mad at us when we don't listen to them....

Women are hypocrits.

/flame suit activated.
WAR_White Lion_Iron Rock
Bnobo_Dark Ages_Monk/Rogue
amins Wrote:And yet for some reason they get mad at us when we don't listen to them....

Women are hypocrits.

/flame suit activated.

Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
Let's make this thread about women who marry geeks but don't respect our interests!
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hoofhurr Wrote:Let's make this thread about women who marry geeks but don't respect our interests!


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cracked.com/video_17435_coolest-house-in-neighborhood-maybe-galaxy.html">http://www.cracked.com/video_17435_cool ... alaxy.html</a><!-- m -->


Riz says, "That's made of pure bacon and win!"
They married us in the hopes of changing us into the being they couldn't get in the first place!

I knew Bulgy was a gamer... Heck I think I'm more a power gamer comparatively.

And no... I didn't marry him so I could change him. Tongue
Two Words: Azerothian Mercenaries.... Rest in Peace. <giggle>

Guild Wars 2: Catzera, Starlynne, Melisande, Isis Nimue, Darlin Starlynne, Imzadi, Myrria Corazon
Rift: Starlynne, Melysande, Catzera
Aion: Starlynne
WAR: Starlynne, Darlyn
WoW: Starlynne, Catzera, Melysande, Starlyne
DAOC: Midgard - Starlynne, Catzera, Melysande
DAOC: Gawaine - Starlynne, Catzera, IsisNimue
Tribes 1 & 2: TF_Circe
Vllad Wrote:They married us in the hopes of changing us into the being they couldn't get in the first place!


Outstanding phrase Vllad, I love it!
Is it a product of Vllad, or elsewhere?
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.
Fretty Wrote:
Vllad Wrote:They married us in the hopes of changing us into the being they couldn't get in the first place!


Outstanding phrase Vllad, I love it!
Is it a product of Vllad, or elsewhere?

I thought it was common knowledge!


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