60 rogue/30ish druid application
I want to join the purge mainly because I like your attitude to pvp. Been in the purgeapp channel for a while already and it looks pretty cool. I've been friends with Sip for a while but havent seen him much because I play my druid more than rogue. I've been on a few raids with the purge, PvP and instance and had a good time. I'm a complete nerd and on a lot of the day.

Edit: grouped with Nives for gnomeregan too
See above post for truth.
If Sip vouches for you, thats a good thing.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
It is?

I mean... IT IS!!!

(psst! didn't Sip vouch for a guys only naked bungee jumping event? does that make it a good thing?)
I thought it was a fun idea in theory Val, except, when I got there, I was the only one who actually had a bungee cord.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...


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