SGU - StarGate Universe premier
I'm already a fairly rabid SG fan, so it was pretty easy to please me. I love the politics already, it reminds me of work. The smart guy who can figure everything out has to deal with all the dumbasses that are only slowing him down!
[should not have shot the dolphin]
I just saw they were remaking V too. I remember it being a pretty cool miniseries when I was growing up. One of the first Sci Fi stories of my life. I wonder if it will do my memories justice.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Hoofhurr Wrote:I just saw they were remaking V too. I remember it being a pretty cool miniseries when I was growing up. One of the first Sci Fi stories of my life. I wonder if it will do my memories justice.

sorry keep the trashy shitty remakes out of this ubercool thread bro.

This is a franchise not a remake~
[should not have shot the dolphin]
I'm hearing very mixed reactions to SGU, some love it, some hate it.
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.
I thought the crew interactions (civilians vs military vs scientists) was believable but a tad on the embelished.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Is this viewable for someone who has never watched a single episode of any incarnation of Stargate? Is the background mythos needed?

And what's with all the SGs and no new Treks???
Breand Wrote:Is this viewable for someone who has never watched a single episode of any incarnation of Stargate? Is the background mythos needed?

And what's with all the SGs and no new Treks???

You could probably read the wikipedia and know most of whats going on as far as the background races. SG1 is still best scifi show to date, you should rent all the seasons and watch.

Trek is still up on SG 5-3 as far TV shows go.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Stargate pisses me off that all these worlds speak American English. At least Star Trek came up with the universal translater (although Enterprise was pretty retarded with how quickly the asian chick could 'learn' languages). Farscape had the best with the translator microbes.
Jakensama Wrote:Stargate pisses me off that all these worlds speak American English. At least Star Trek came up with the universal translater (although Enterprise was pretty retarded with how quickly the asian chick could 'learn' languages). Farscape had the best with the translator microbes.

The producers said they do it for the sake of not wanting to waste half the show translating. They still do a fair bit when it comes to the 'alien' aliens.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
The single biggest advantage of SG over Trek is SG is more morally realistic. Trek became to goody goody and preechy to survive in today's market. SG doesn't have those Radburry limitations.

SG could still be more raw then it is but it is a quality show. SG still comes down to its cast. If you like the cast you will love the show. If you don't you won't like SG.

Yeah, the Federation was annoying. People wouldn't evolve and become all touchy feely and eliminate money in society in a couple hundred years.

I liked the Dominion War as at least they showed people getting hands dirty, like when they assassinate the Romulan ambassador to frame the dominion and bring the Romulans into the war - and Sisko covered it up.
the last couple seasons of DS9 were awesome.
Breand Wrote:the last couple seasons of DS9 were awesome.

Written by the Babylon 5 writers.
If you liked the last few DS9 seasons, watch B5. Trust me.
Get over the bad cgi and just enjoy an excellent, top notch story.
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.
Agreed, DS9 was the best Trek series.

B5 if you can make it past season 1 is a great show.

Incidentally, two of my favorite sci-fi TV episodes of all time came from B5 and Stargate. Both were basically about "the other guys". Stargate had an episode where the SG team got captured and the only people who could save them were a couple of dorky scientists who were basically just background filler characters. The whole episode was about them trying to deal with the sudden capture of the team and the fact that there was nobody around to do a rescue except them. B5 had one episode entirely from the perspective of two starbase maintenance workers. Like instead of the camera following the security chief as he rushes to deal with intruders while background characters flee, we followed them fleeing while the security chief ran past.

Fun stuff.

I think ST:TNG had an episode similar to that once, except somehow it was Patrick Stewart as Ensign Nobody. I can't remember what that episode was about though...
Slamz Wrote:I think ST:TNG had an episode similar to that once, except somehow it was Patrick Stewart as Ensign Nobody. I can't remember what that episode was about though...

I believe it's a Q episode, where Picard gets sent back in time and is allowed to redo things to see how things 'could' have been.
I think this is also where he winds up not getting stabbed in the heart by Nausicaans in the bar when he was a 'wild cadet'.

EDIT: Here's the wikipedia link to that episode:

EDIT 2: I can't believe I remembered that, AND how to spell Nausicaans!!! Does that make me cool? o.O
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.
I loved Federation. DS9 had no hot chicks. 7 of motherfucking 9 bitches.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
I met Jeri Ryan once.
She's tall.
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.
Breand Wrote:the last couple seasons of DS9 were awesome.

Absolute Truth.

It was the best Star Trek series.


Riz says, "That's made of pure bacon and win!"
Hoofhurr Wrote:I loved Federation. DS9 had no hot chicks. 7 of motherfucking 9 bitches.

Dax wasn't ugly (well not the slug thing, the first chick).

Jolene Blalock was hotter than 7 of 9. And had the advantage of not having to sit through awful voyager with the most annoying crew ever (no character on that show had any redeeming value except for Jeri Ryan's breasts).
The only redeming value of DS9 was some of the fleet battles against the station. Sorry but characters in DS9 were so campy/cheesey/stereo type it was painful to watch. The only interesting character was the Cardasian guy. The rest felt like it the script and actors were generated by a robot and they were being paid by the minute.

Everytime I hear the station commander, his son or the bojorian chic talk I wanted to pound their face into the terminals.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Diggles Wrote:The only redeming value of DS9 was some of the fleet battles against the station. Sorry but characters in DS9 were so campy/cheesey/stereo type it was painful to watch. The only interesting character was the Cardasian guy. The rest felt like it the script and actors were generated by a robot and they were being paid by the minute.

Everytime I hear the station commander, his son or the bojorian chic talk I wanted to pound their face into the terminals.

DS9 was like gun smoke. Guys roll into town, and the sheriff deals with it. That was until the last 2 seasons , where the true battles started. It ended really well. I still cant stand Cisco though. I wonder if he ever got acting lessons.

Jakensama Wrote:Jolene Blalock was hotter than 7 of 9.

I have to agree.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
Diggles Wrote:The only interesting character was the Cardasian guy.

Even if that was true, that would be 1 more than Voyager. But you are right, Garrick was the best character.

Most episodes of most star trek series were pretty shit, but the best ones of DS9 were better than the best of the other series.

Quote: I still cant stand Cisco though. I wonder if he ever got acting lessons.

No one can approach the level of annoyingness of Janeway and her goofy eye tattoo #2.
Garrick wasn't the only one, Quark and Warf were good characters in DS9. Everyone hated the Bajorian lesbian. Cisco was good as long as he didn't have hair. As soon as he shaved his head he was fine.

Seven wasn't the only good character on Voyager. How can you not like the self absorbed EMH? Some of the best Trek episodes ever were about him. I believe there only Emmy was an episode called "Someone to watch over me" which was about the Doc. Plus Seven wasn't the only pleasant thing on the eyes. Torres wasn't bad either.

I forgot about the Doctor, he was okay. I liked how they brough him back in first contact as a decoy to delay the Borg too.

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