Volktar - 60 Mage
Konishiwa bitches. First and foremost, Id like to say hello. Second, I come off as blunt, but am a great person, and mage alike. I curse, get over it. Im in the military, and a sailor to boot. Im formerly of <The Mechanical Squirrels> which was a great guild, but was more or less swallowed by Oops, which frankly, aint for me. Oops is nice, I have many friends there from my young squirrel days, BUT its turned into an MC guild. That just aint me. I Friggin HATE DKP (censored for the kiddies)! I was fine in Oops till the implemented DKP. Fudge that (again, for the kiddies).

Im all about PvP! Always have been. In fact, heres a few vids I made back in my 40s
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;3847290;;/fileinfo.html">http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;3847 ... einfo.html</a><!-- m -->

Well, only one is showing up... I guess filefront changed crap and my movies are gone Sad

Nonetheless... Ive grouped with Beute since my 20s, he told me to come here.

As far as my build goes, Im 27Ice - 24 fire.
Its rare, I know. But it rocks ass in PvP! I slay alliance like no tomorrow in WSG.

A little more about myself... Im married with a son, and in the military as I said before. I have a very militaristic mind when it comes to PvP.
STRATEGIC! And when strategy fails... fuck it AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

"The Department of Homeland Security of Azeroth regrets to inform Mrs Volktar that your husband has died because he was outnumbered and stupid"

I work all night tonight (eastern time) but Ill be up watching my son in the morning, which means Ill be in WoW from 8am-1pm 8)
Hey Volk... um yeah, your post is a little more blunt than has been my experience with ya in game, so I'd urge people to get to know ya Smile

I'll have to check out your build, sounds interesting.

Hopefully you can join us for some BG action!

See ya soon,
You think Im blunt here, you should see the Oops forums. Not only have they recently added the DKP system, but now Weds we are supposed to either
A) finish the onyxia key quests OR
B) Help others finish it.

Im fine with questing (or instancing as the case may be) and helping others but dont friggin tell me that I HAVE to do ANYTHING on a certain day. Its a frigin game. Ef off. So, needless to say, Im ready to leave Oops. Can I join yet? Tongue
Quote:Im fine with questing (or instancing as the case may be) and helping others but dont friggin tell me that I HAVE to do ANYTHING on a certain day. Its a frigin game. Ef off.

That is an attitude you will find that we all share with you Volktar. Its a game, not a job! 8) And don't worry, I'm a probation officer so I can have a bit of mouth on me too sometimes:roll:
<img src='http://sigs.guildlaunch.net/sig.php/893102aYjot.png' border='0'>
Hey Volk,

I'm not in game right now but I should be within the week.

Good luck on your app.

Contact an officer for an invite if we don't contact you first.
Zimjin Wrote:Approved.

Contact an officer for an invite if we don't contact you first.

Hoofhurr gave me the invite Wink

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