Instance runs corrupt gaming integrity
I have always admired The Purge, ever since I saw your first posting on the Crushridge realm forum. However, nothing made me want to join so much as when I read your policy on "loot whores". Sometimes I wonder if people buy this game and read the title as "World of Inventory Management," or "Virtual Ebay."

The character that I want to join with is named Kimelmara, currently a level 36 mage. What I'd really like to get out of it all is some damn good PvP, and that's always best in an organized group. Most of my time has been spent in my friend's guild, the Seal Clubbers, but there are only about 5 of us and everyone is an officer. I'd like to be in a serious guild with an actual ranking system and contribute to it.

I've been playing since beta, and my alts include Animality (55 Druid), Chud (36 Shaman), and Morkrish (28 Warlock). I've played every class except for rogues and have a great deal of knowledge about the game in general. I've found your thoughts on pvp to be the most accurate, namely that whatever is legal is the right way to do it, and I absolutely hate the Alliance, especially Night Elf rogues.

One final compliment: I have almost never seen a Purge member standing outside to the Auction House. My greatest pet peave is how half of our entire faction just stands out there being stupid and turning Orgimmar into Lagmart. It's a big world people, go play the game.
There's an Auction House in Org??????

:roll: :lol:

Hehe, yeah, although I think it's commonly referred to as "Mecca"
mecca? hmmm I don't have that schematic - sounds gnomish though.

Anyway, thanks for the interest in the guild and your kind words. Give us a tell in game some time and we'll see about getting you into a couple groups.
Gameless (for now)

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