Join the Purge
Hello my name is Dreadknot,
Im here to find out if i could join your guild.
Im a level 60 Warrior trade is armorsmithing and everything is maxxed
I have been playing with your guild in instances and been having a great time. I used to be in Protectors of Honor guild but we had our differences mainly because i was helping your guildies out alot with instances. I enjoy there company alot and would like to continue with is and your guild seems like a great one seeing the people i have played with are very good and fun to play with. The people who i have enjoyed the time playing with are kylipso, Naima, Feir, Zelant,and Krane. If you want to know about me you can ask them.
Now for you questions you want us to answer i find it hard to answer them and heres why. Its to easy to lie to them and say what you want to just to brown noise you guy do you would let that person in. Or jsut say what we know you want us to say so you will let us in. This is how i feel about it all you know to know what i would do or how i play then get on wow come find me (Dreadknot) call me into a instance with you, battle me, go to the arena with as many as you want and battle me,take me to bg, or jsut find some alliance and ill show you what im worth, because me just tell you is well telling you. I on the other had rather SHOW you what im capable of doing rather then sit here and pull out some lie or anything. As far as alliance go i kill them as much as i can but i do so only honorly if there lower then me i wont bother with them unless they mess with me. If there fighting something and low on health ill get them get there health back before fighting, im more of a challenge person and love it to death. If i die then i res and go again untill i win.
So if you want to know about me what i can do or anything come to the game and find me. Also to i am knowned on horde lots of people know me and ask me for help, even other warrior like cotton know me and hail me. The choice is your to make. If you want to come to me and find out
Well then i accept your CHALLENGE AND AM READY.


P.S. Also to im a very helpful person in guilds if that matters to you at all[/b][/i]
I just have one thing to say.. It's about time you saw the light! Tongue
You're fun to hang out with. See ya in game.
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
Good person and good warrior =)
Feir the Tigger
[Image: hltigger.jpg]
here here to hokus post Tongue

about time dreadknot Smile
bust open a can the dread is here.
gotta say it before flabtar says it ....

here, you forgot these.

. . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . ,

warriors are many good Smile hope to see you online soon ^_^
OMG boot him he called me Krane!!!! are already in and I didn't get to post first!

Bah,relax Korne.
Seriously Karen chill.
60 Troll Priest
300 Alchemy/Herbalsim
~The Purge~
Whatever no one really like Erank anyway.
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
Relax man, it was a typeo, i know what your name is but hey i can call you worse if you like (i have a good gift in the field)
In other news.. the name is now Karen.
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
Lowkki Wrote:In other news.. the name is now Karen.

I pronounce it crone.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
awe Karen is all pissy now...

Raduk... best name butcher of em all!
Gameless (for now)
I remember run SM with this guy...and a few others...good guy

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