Rift Application
Hey, I'm interested in joining Purge. I have experience in MMO's, DAOC, WOW, WAR, AOC, EVE, and now Rift. Im newly 50 but know how to play. I'm T2 ready right now. My specs are Sent(healing), Inquisitor (AE DPS) and Shaman (also dps). I've always played cleric / paladin / druid classes, so healing is ultimately what i would like to do, or play shaman as DPS.

Game name is Toobs, I live in CA and typically work 10-7pm. Hopefully that fits your guys schedule.
thanks for your post. unless someone in <The Purge> knows you already (I'm guessing no since you didn't say so), your best bet at this point is to group with us so we can get to know you.

New World: Snowreap
Life is Feudal: Snowreap Iggles, Taralin Iggles, Preyz Iggles
Naval Action: Taralin Snow, Snowy Iggles
EQ2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Taralin, Disruption, Preyz, Taralynne, Snowy, Snowz
ESO: Snowreap, Yellowtail
PS2: Snowreap
GW2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Taralynne
RIFT: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Snowy
PotBS (British): Taralin Snow, Taralynne Snow, Snowy Iggles, Edward Snow
PotBS (Pirate): Taralin Snowden, Taralynne Snowden, Redshirt Snowden
WW2O: Snowreap
WAR: Snowreap, Preyz, Lbz, Leadz, Snowz, Taralin, Snowmeltz, Yellowtail, Snowbankz
APB: Snowreap, Sentenza
STO: Snowreap@Snowreap, Snowz@Snowreap
AoC: Yellowtail, Snowreap, Snowstorm, Redshirt
WoW (Horde): Snowreap, Savagery, Baelzenun, Wickedwendy, Taralin, Disruption, Scrouge, Bette
WoW (Alliance): Yellowtail, Wickedwendy, Snowreap
AC1: Snowstorm, Yellowtail, Shirt Ninja, Redshirt

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