Application - 60 Rogue
Hi all Purge members. Let me start off by saying the last 2 nights at MC were a blast. We didn't get very far but both times I have seen a hugh improvement and learning curve and it was a blast to have seen it which is why I want to join up. Talking with a few members on TS last night Hoku told me to post up an application to get joined it. So here is a little about myself.

Started playing back in early January on a PvE server Whisperwind playing a NE Hunter. It was a good starting place and a good learning experience though 2 days after I hit 60 and realzied how some of the people/guilds worked for end game and such plus the horrible performace that comes with a high POP servers I decided to leave for greener pastures and more fun. So my travels landed me to Crushridge for a new experience of PvP and much better performance aspects.

I'm a 60 undead rogue speced with a 22/8/21 build. I'm currently with the guild UnF and they are a great bunch of people but I think its just time for me to move on to a guild that is better suited for my interest and play standards. I'm an instance and PvP junkey. This server has been great so far and everyday just seems to get better and better. Well after the MC raids for the last 2 days and talking to some of the people on TS I realized your guild ahd some great people in it and much more to my play style and liking (I have grouped with you guys for BG and instances and always have enjoyed the experience and talent your crew has brought to the party).

I guess I'm a mix between a casual and hard core player. I generally am of at least 40 hrs plus a week but I certianly couldn't get a character up to 60 in 4 or 5 days.

Well don't know what else to really say. Thanks for the time and the chance to apply. I hope to be able to to join up but if not I sitll look forward to playing with you guys and if you ever need a sneaky rogue look me up. I'm always up for helping up people no matter what.

Horde FTW!
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
Heya Mori. It was great having you along with us. You and your UnF buds are great people. Whether as purge or UnF I'll always be glad to have you guys along. I hope the two guilds can have a long and prosperous future together.
Gameless (for now)
Thanks for the great reply Orsun. It was a pleasure working with you last night. For some reason we just seem to work better with 30 or less. Seems we get into a really good groove then Big Grin I look forward with dealing with you more often Big Grin
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
great seeing you two nights in a row Mori. i think youd be a great addition to the guild. If you can put up with all the talk of tacos in TS last night, you must be good people Smile
Oh man I remember why I don't have my mic on voice activation. Big Grin I couldn't stop laughing. It was certian a good time Smile
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
Best of luck to you Mori. The Purge is indeed a kickass group of people. Even tho they do have Raduk ;p

Its been awesome having you with us in UnF and I'm sure we'll be seeing you around.

[Image: zsig3.jpg]
Guild Mistress of Undead and Fabulous
Wielder of the Purple Whip!
Thanks Z though I haven;t got the position yet. Yall are great and I'm going to miss you. I will talk to you in /w tonight about some things that I forgot to last night. Big Grin
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
Hey, I'm a 60 warlock that was in those 2 MC runs and we thank you for joining and glad you had fun. The whole UnF crew was great.
I usually play every Tuesday/Thursday nites from 8pm EST to midnight, so look me up if ya want to group. I'm usually looking to make LBRS/UBRS/DM/Start/Scholo runs, or just anything fun.

2 things though I ask from everyone...
Bring taco's (which WE did speak about on TS last nite)
Talk to Joe first....

Iluyzhat, 60 warlock (zhat)
Iluysplat, 27 Mage (splat)

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