Torami 60 Hunter
Hey folks! My name is Torami and I have a drinking problem. Some of you may vaguely remember my name, as I have been on a couple of MC runs with The Purge. Like many of the lvl 60 characters from BwR, I am searching more endgame content that simply can't be achieved in a small, although awesome guild. I enjoy pvp and instanced fun, and long walks on the beach. One thing for certain, I always like to keep things interesting. MMORPGs are not new to me, as I have played several, such as EQ, EQ2, FFXI, COH. I'm sure that Anuksa or Elindra will vouch that I am not an "asshat" (I know where you work Anuksa... :evil: ), and that I know when its time to work hard and when its time to play hard.

To list some specifics about Torami, he is a lvl 60 Hunter with Traq shot, a 300 engineer with such patterns as repair bot. I have completed the onyxia key quest, and am MC and BWL attuned.

I have grouped with some members of The Purge in the past and really liked the feeling that the guild presented. The raids on MC that I attended with The Purge would have to be the hightlight of Torami's virtual life up to this point. I am sure that if you accept me as a member I will not disapoint.

----==== For your consideration for an Academy Award====----
Torami :wink:
Hey Torami.. I thought the highlight of Torami's virtual life was training Borelgore into UC? That was comedy gold! :lol:
Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
Vouche...otherwise he will hurt me!

Torami "wonder how far I can train borelgore.."

Great guy, makes all the alliance girls scream "nerf hunters!"
Ask me about my shardsac.
Hah, nice app!
Certified Raid Boss
Trained Borelgore to UC?


Sounds like our kinda guy.
may i have the envelope please....
Quote:I have a drinking problem

O Rly? Why, you keep spilling it? Missing your mouth?

I have a drinking problem too....if I'm not drinking, that's a problem!

:lol: :lol:
I support more alcoholics in the purge.
Alcoholism + TS = hours of fun.
Hi, my name is Sorna. I have a problem.

I'm addicted to [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros]


Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
/group yells: "Hello get us a beer!!!!"
torami Wrote:Hey folks! My name is Torami and I have a drinking problem.:
I like this guys already....
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...

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