60 Rogue App
Name: Sneakybone, 60 Troll Rogue

Spec: a variation of 21/8/22, not the exact spec but close…I need to respect anyway now that I have some items.

Old Guild: Covenant

Why I left: Nothing but good things to say about those guys…I feel that their goals and play style vs. mine no longer mesh. Nothing personal, these things happen. Towards the end I found myself in more non-guild groups than guild groups. If I could make a guild called “F MC” I would. Or maybe “It’s a F’in Game So Relax”

Why Purge: I like Zim’s post on the cornerstones of the guild, also the outlook in general, the views on PvE, self-reliance, all that.

I am a casual player, I have maybe 15-20 hours a week to play. Sure I would like to do instance runs out the ying-yang for my SC set, PvP until all hours of the night to get to Champion…but it will not happen. Games like these are not made for guys like me: job, wife, obligations, and the usual stuff. That is a simple fact of life.

So I log on, do the best I can, and have fun. I will see if there is an inst run at that moment, if not off to PvP. Time is too short to wait around hoping for a group. I just want to get in, have some fun, then log off and get on with life. If WoW is dead, then I can be found in Battlefield 2 Big Grin .

I prefer PvP over PvE, if I do an inst run it is for gear, not for gold, but for a rare drop dagger or sword or SC. Farming makes me sick, if I want to do that I will head back to DAOC and TOA to farm scrolls. That is when WoW becomes a job and I already have one. For me PvP is a fun way to kill a couple of hours, you don’t need a group if you do not want one, WSG is up most of the time, and there is always patrolling zones looking for fun.

Anyway I have played with some of you, maybe even from the BH days, and I have enjoyed it. Hopefully soon I can run around with y’all.

Sneaky nice to see you applying. Best way to get in for you at this point is when you log on message me or someone else in the Purge about joining a group. Be it Warsong, or whatever. Look forward to hearing from you.

Roger that!

I will try tonight and then Sunday. In between it is my 5th anniversary! Big Grin
I'd say the majority of Purge fits your description Sneaky. And while not married myself, I may as well be. Covenant are a great group of people, and you leaving on good terms with them says something. Look us up in game as Karne said, and good luck with the app process!
Gameless (for now)
Hey, I'm a 60 warlock and I usually play every Tuesday/Thursday nites from 8pm EST to midnight, so look me up if ya want to group. I'm usually looking to make LBRS/UBRS/DM/Start/Scholo runs, or just anything fun.

2 things though...
Bring taco's
Talk to Joe first....

Iluyzhat, 60 warlock (zhat)
Iluysplat, 27 Mage (splat)
Tacos? I am cool with Tacos...

If we are talking the most perfect of all fast food tacos..Jack in the Box tacos, then I will bring 10, 2 for you and 8 for me Big Grin
Jack in the Box does tacos? Where the hell have I been??
~ The Duskwood Gankster ~
WoW & Beyond: Grizzle / Grizol
EQ/SB: Rafkin / Kriticos / Dudain
I get that a lot:

Jack used to be out here in Maryland circa 1980; they did tacos. And the last time I was in Texas, 2003, Jack still did Tacos so I hope that is still the case when I hit Dallas sometime soon. I might need to hit Jack's website and verify this.

This is critical: if I get a job in Texas one of the things I am looking forward to is Jack's tacos. Ok tacos are still on the menu... Big Grin

Btw..honorable mention for fast food in Texas: Whattaburger and my Mom digs Taco Cabana.
Not to derail.. but
Quote: And while not married myself, I may as well be.

I should pass that one along....
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
Haha I'm surprisd you havent heard that through Ali.
Gameless (for now)
Yay for double posts!
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
I have grouped with Sneaky before. I have done quite a few runs with Covenant, and not just to Molten Core. I agree, they are a serious group of players, and like to keep a tight reign on things. In some ways, it's what makes them so good. In other ways, I can see why it might be less than appealing for the casual player.

I welcome you with open arms Sneaky! You're alright in my book.. even moreeso now that Chain made you put your mic on "Push to talk" button. Your phone sure does ring a lot. Tongue

[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
TY Big Grin Glad to be here, I see good things coming from my decision to come here and your acceptance of me into the guild.

And yes seeing Chain go to town on Nawne was all I needed to see as a warning for not listening to her Big Grin

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